The following fields are provided to display and update the information for the user:
Note: If aircraft checkout functions are not enabled, not all the fields shown here will appear.
User Information - contains contact information about the user.
First Name - the user's first name
MI - the user's middle initial.
Last Name - the user's last name.
Address - the user's street address.
City - the user's city name.
Zip - the user's zip code.
Phone1 - the user's primary phone.
Phone2 - the user's secondary phone.
Instructor - the user's assigned instructor.
Note: All of the above fields except for the phone numbers and instructor are required.
Scheduling Information - The following fields are provided for controlling the online scheduling:.
Password - the password the user must enter to access the system.
Email - the user email address for the online scheduling.
User Level - the userlevel for the user. The following user privileges are assigned by this field:
Disabled - User may not sign in.
Normal - User may sign in and modify any items that the user creates.
Super - User may sign in, modify any items that the user creates and modify any items that other users create.
Note: Instructors are normally set as Super Users.
Office - User may sign in, modify any items that the user creates, modify any items that other users create and modify user information (add instructor, add users, etc).
Maintenance - User may sign in, modify any items that the user creates, modify any items that other users create and modify aircraft information (add aircraft, delete aircraft, update aircraft status).
Administrator - User may sign in and modify any items.
Display Phone Number - if this box is selected, the user's phone numbers will be displayed in the online scheduler.
Notify Information - contains contact information for someone other than the user (usually an emergency contact).
First Name - the contact's first name
MI - the contact's middle initial.
Last Name - the contact's last name.
Address - the contact's street address.
City - the contact's city name.
Zip - the contact's zip code.
Relationship - the contact's relationship to the user.
Phone Number - the contact's primary phone.
Alternate Phone - the contact's alternate phone.
Note: Any of the above fields may be left blank.
User Notes - a field to enter any additional information for the user.
Contract / Dues Information
Exp - the expiration date for the contract.
Contract Number - the contract number for paying for services. This is normally for CFIs that are being paid for their services.
Clearing Authority - checking this box will give this user the authority to clear other users for flights. Instructors are clearing authorities by default, all other users may be given that authority if the administrator desires.
Dues - the amount of dues that the user is billed each month.
Note: Any of the above fields may be left blank if not needed. The dues field should be filled in if the user is charged dues.
Credit Card
Exp - the expiration date for the credit card
Number - the credit card number for the user.
Note: Any of the above fields may be left blank. The credit card fields are for information only. The Credit Card fields are encrypted in the database.
Instructor Payment Per Hour - the program can charge different amounts for a particular instructor as well as different amounts for different types of instruction. These fields determine the amount that an instructor is paid per hour of instruction for each of the instruction types. The amount that a student is charged is set using the Update Configuration Screen.
Ground - the amount the instructor is paid for ground instruction.
Private - the amount the instructor is paid for private pilot instruction.
Instrument - the amount the instructor is paid for instrument rating instruction.
Commercial - the amount the instructor is paid for commercial pilot instruction.
CFI - the amount the instructor is paid for CFI rating instruction.
CFII - the amount the instructor is paid for CFII rating instruction.
Currency Information - the fields that determine the currency of the user.
Manager's Message - a message that is displayed to the user when an aircraft is being checked out. This field is useful if a user needs to be reminded that a bill is due or the office staff needs to see the user for some reason.
Submit Button – select the Submit button to save the updated user information after all entries are made for this screen.
Cancel Button – select the Cancel button to return to the previous screen and cancel any entries on this screen.
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