The Update Configuration Screen allows the user to set general information for the program. The following fields are provided:
Admin's Email - enter the email address for the administrator. This address shows on several screens as a contact for a user that is having problems.
Admin's name - enter the name of the administrator. This name shows on several screens as a contact for a user that is having problems.
The program supports charging different amounts for the type of instruction given. When the pilot checks the aircraft in using the Aircraft Check-in Screen and logs dual time, the type of instruction may be set using the Instruction Type field of the Check-in Information Fields.
Amount to charge for CFI instruction - the charge in dollars for CFI rating instruction.
Amount to charge for CFII instruction - the charge in dollars for CFII rating instruction.
Amount to charge for commercial instruction - the charge in dollars for commercial rating instruction.
Amount to charge for fuel - the amount a private owner is charged when fuel is purchased from the FBO.
Amount to charge for ground instruction - the charge in dollars for ground instruction.
Amount to charge for instrument instruction - the charge in dollars for instrument instruction.
Amount to charge for oil - the amount a private owner is charged when oil is purchased from the FBO.
Amount to charge for private instruction - the charge in dollars for private instruction.
Amount to reimburse for fuel - the amount a pilot is reimbursed for fuel purchased elsewhere. If this value is set to $0.00, the program will reimburse the actual cost of the fuel.
Cost of the fuel - the amount per gallon that the FBO pays for fuel.
Credit for logon weather information - information shown on sign-in screen for the provider of the weather link information.
Date Format: 0 to show dates as "Jul 10", 1 for "10 Jul" - date format.
Default hourly rate for instructors - default rate for the instructor charge.
FBO's phone number - phone number of the FBO.
First day of the week; 0==Sunday, 6==Saturday - day of the week to start the schedule on.
Link to display weather map on logon page - information shown on sign-in screen for the provider of the weather link information.
Link to page when clicking on logon page - information shown on sign-in screen for the provider of the weather link information.
Local timezone hours from GMT - number of hours from GMT for the timezone that the FBO is in.
Location of FBO - name of the city that the FBO is located in.
Lock combination - the combination of the aircraft key lock box.
Maximum days allowed in a repeating schedule - maximum number of days to allow for a repeat.
Minutes past the last hour on the schedule - number of minutes to show after the last entry of the schedule.
Name of the FBO - name of the FBO for the printed reports.
Number of checkout copies to print - the number of copies of the check-out sheet printed when an aircraft is checked out. One is the recommended number, zero will not print any copies.
Number of copies of checkin sheet to print - the number of copies of the check-in sheet printed when an aircraft is checked in. Two is the recommended number, zero will not print any copies.
Number of fault records to print - number of copies of the squawk to print when a squawk is entered into the database by a pilot during the check-in process. Squawks may be printed at any time using the Print Aircraft Fault Records from the Admin screen. Zero is the recommended number.
Number of seconds of inactivity before signing off the user - idle time (in seconds) before logging off a user.
Number of seconds to display lock combination - the number of seconds to display the lock combination during the aircraft check-out and check-in process.
Number of sign in attempts before disabling account - number of sign-in attempts before disabling user login.
Percent to add to wholesale price for retail price - percentage amount to add to wholesale price to compute the retail price.
Schedule changes not allowed within this amount of time - time interval where schedules cannot be changed by the user.
Server timezone hours from GMT - number of hours from GMT of the timezone the server resides in. This value in combination with the Local timezone hours from GMT allows the system to compute the local time for reports.
Set to 1 to force user to login to view schedule - setting this to 1 forces the users to login before any information is seen. Setting to 0, allows the schedule to be viewed, but any other information requires a login.
Signature block text for reports - the text that is printed on the payment sheets after the "Approved for Payment By:" line.
The first hour on the schedule. Must be an integer. - start hour for the schedule display.
The interval on the schedule in seconds - time between displayed values on the schedule. (1800/60==30 minutes)
The last hour on the schedule. Must be an integer. - end time for the schedule.
Waiver text to print on the checkout form - the text that is printed on the aircraft Check-out form printed at the completion of the pilot checking out an aircraft. This can be any text desired, but is usually a waiver that the pilot must sign. The text is broken up into as many lines as needed.
Update Button select the Update button to save the information after all entries are made for this screen.
Cancel Button select the Cancel button to return to the previous screen and cancel any entries on this screen.
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