The Print Daily DAR Report Screen prints a Daily Activity Report for the dates selected. The DAR report uses the categories defined in the Category Management screens to categorize the income and expenses. The reports provided are:
DAR Report - Daily Activity Report for the dates selected.
DAR Detail Report - a list of charges and credits for each keycode for each category that makes up the DAR. Each of the categories is printed on a separate page.
Note: If multiple days are selected, a report will be printed for each day.
The following fields are provided:
Credit Card Charges from date to date - enter the beginning and ending date for the report. The default is for the day before the previous date. These fields will determine the dates used for credit card charges for the DAR report.
Cash Charges from date to date - enter the beginning and ending date for the report. The default is for the previous date. These fields will determine the dates used for cash charges for the DAR report.
Submit Button select the Submit button to print the reports after all entries are made for this screen.
Cancel Button select the Cancel button to return to the previous screen and cancel any entries on this screen.
A sample DAR report is shown below:
A sample page for one category of the DAR Detail Report is shown below (additional categories will print on additional pages):
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