The Print Daily Bills and Reports Screen prints several reports used in the maintenance of the aircraft. The reports provided are:
Daily Aircraft Charges - provides a summary of the Hobbs and Tach times for each flight for the dates requested.
Daily Aircraft Revenue - provides a summary of the revenue and costs associated with each rental aircraft.
Daily Flight Instruction Information - a summary of the flight times and charges for each flight for the dates requested.
Daily Fuel & Oil Charges - a summary of the fuel charges, reimbursements for fuel purchased and a summary of any oil purchased for each flight for the dates requested.
Daily 100Hr Oil Change & Squawk Summary - a summary the hours until the 100 hour inspection is required, hours until the 50 hour oil change is required and any new squawks entered for each rental aircraft for the dates requested.
Daily Aircraft Fault Records - prints a sheet for each aircraft fault entered for each aircraft for the dates requested.
Daily Member Charges - a summary of the wholesale and retail prices purchased by members for the dates requested.
Note: If multiple days are selected, a report will be printed for each day.
The following fields are provided:
Print Daily Summary from date to date - enter the beginning and ending date to start printing reports. The default is for the previous day.
Submit Button – select the Submit button to print the reports after all entries are made for this screen.
Cancel Button – select the Cancel button to return to the previous screen and cancel any entries on this screen.
A sample Daily Aircraft Charges report is shown below:
A sample Daily Aircraft Revenue report is shown below:
A sample Daily Flight Instruction Information report is shown below:
A sample Daily Fuel & Oil Charges report is shown below:
A sample Daily 100Hr Oil Change & Squawk Summary report is shown below:
A sample Daily Aircraft Fault Records report is shown below:
A sample Daily Member Charges report is shown below:
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