The Print Aircraft Fault Records Screen allows the user to print fault (squawk) information about any or all aircraft contained within the database. The printed report includes the fault as entered by the pilot, the date the squawk was entered, tachometer time at the time of the fault and spaces for the mechanic to note the corrections made.
The following fields are provided to select the aircraft reports to print:
Print Fault Information For Aircraft - select the desired aircraft from the drop down list.
Print Aircraft Faults Dates:
From date - the beginning date for printing squawks.
To date - the ending date for printing squawks.
Print Open Faults For the Dates and Aircraft Selected - select this check box to print all open faults for the aircraft and dates selected.
Print Repaired Faults For the Dates and Aircraft Selected - select this check box to print all repaired faults for the aircraft and dates selected.
Print Closed Faults For the Dates and Aircraft Selected - select this check box to print all closed (repaired) faults for the aircraft and dates selected.
Print Deferred Faults For the Dates and Aircraft Selected - select this check box to print all deferred faults for the aircraft and dates selected.
Note: Any combination of the four check boxes may be selected to print the type of faults desired.
Submit Button select the Submit button to print the reports after all entries are made for this screen.
Cancel Button select the Cancel button to return to the previous screen and cancel any entries on this screen.
A sample report is shown below:
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