New Squawk Screen

New Squawk Screen

The New Squawk Screen allows the user to enter any new problems encountered for the aircraft during a flight. The following information is shown:

         Description � type a description of the problem encountered. Try to be as descriptive as possible so that the mechanics can understand and correct the problem.

         Aircraft is Grounded � select this box if the problem is serious enough to ground the aircraft.

         Aircraft is Not Grounded � select this box if the problem is not serious enough to ground the aircraft.

         Submit Button � select the Submit button to save the squawk after all entries are made for this screen.

         Cancel Button � select the Cancel button to return to the previous screen and cancel any entries on this screen (the squawk is not saved).

Note: A maintenance form is generated from the squawk information entered along with the entering pilot�s name, address and phone number so that the mechanic may contact the pilot if more information is needed to repair the problem.

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Copyright 2003-2021, Jim Covington
Based on the OpenFBO Booking System written by Matt Barclay
and the Meeting Room Booking System