The Instructor Management Screen displays a list of all instructors maintained in the database. Links are provided to modify or add a new instructor.
The following information is provided:
· Instructor Display Area displays a list of all instructors available in the database. Selecting a column link will sort the display by that link. The following fields are displayed:
o ID shows the ID of all available instructors. Provides a link to modify the instructor information.
o First Name shows the instructor's first name.
o Last Name shows the instructor's last name.
o Hourly Cost the cost per hour of the instructor.
o Current Email the instructor's email address.
o Description the description of the instructor (usually the FAA ratings held).
· Add Instructor Link brings up a screen so that a new instructor can be added to the database.
Note: If aircraft checkout and checkin features are enabled, the Add Instructor link is not shown. Adding an instructor is accomplished using the Modify User or the Add New User screens.
· Modify Link select the ID link to modify the instructor information.
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