The Export Information screen is used to save information from the database to the user's local machine. Fields are provided to allow the type of information to be customized. The screen has the following fields:
Field Seperator - enter the character to use to seperate the fields exported.
Export users from - select the starting and ending user names to export. The default is to export all users.
Export Fields - Several tables are shown with a checkbox for each field that may be exported. The number of tables shown will depend on the user level of the user. Some fields require that the user be an office user, maintenance user or administrator to export.
Download Button - after selecting the Download button the program creates the requested file and starts a download dialog so that the user may save the file to their local machine. After the download is complete, another export may be performed by changing the selection and again selecting the Download Button.
Finished Button - after the required downloads are complete, select the Finished button to return to the previous screen.
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