The Flight Management Screen displays the flights contained in the database. The following fields are displayed:
Filter contols:
Filter flights for - select the user to display flights for.
For aircraft - select the aircraft tail number to display flights for.
From/To Date - select the start and end dates to display flights for.
Name - the name of the user making the flight.
Date - the date the aircraft was checked-in after the flight.
Aircraft - the tail number of the aircraft.
Type - the aircraft type.
Begin Hobbs - the beginning Hobbs value when the aircraft was checked out.
End Hobbs - the ending Hobbs value when the aircraft was checked in.
Begin Tach - the beginning tachometer when the aircraft was checked out.
End Tach - the ending tachometer when the aircraft was checked in.
Day Time - the amount of day flight time logged by the user (hours and tenths of hours).
Night Time - the amount of night flight time logged by the user (hours and tenths of hours).
Day Lnds - the number of day landings logged by the user.
Night Lnds - the number of night landings logged by the user.
Note: Selecting a column will sort the display by that column.
The following controls are provided to modify the flight information:
Add Flight Link - adds a new flight to the database.
Modify Flight Link - select a username link to modify a flight.
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