Aircraft Weight and Balance Fields

Aircraft Weight and Balance Fields

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The Aircraft Weight and Balance fields of the Add Aircraft Screen and the Modify Aircraft Screen are used for computing the weight and balance information for each aircraft. The following fields are provided:

Note: If a particular station is not needed, set the arm value to zero and the program will ignore that station in the calculations.

Note: If a particular weight is not needed, set the weight, fore and aft values to zero and the program will ignore that weight in the calculations.


Assume a Piper Arrow with the following weight and balance information (reference the Pilot's Operating Handbook for the values for your aircraft):

Front Seat Arm: 80.5 inches

Back Seat Arm: 118.1 inches

Baggage Area Arm: 142.8 inches

Fuel Arm and Capacity: 95.0 inches, 38.0 gallons (to tabs), 46.6 gallons (max usable)

Aircraft Arm and Weight: 85.3 inches, 1669.1 pounds empty, 2650 pounds max gross weight

The CG envelop has the following graph:

            wpe51.jpg (8737 bytes)

The following information would be filled in for the aircraft weight and balance fields:

        Fuel                 95.0 in    38.0 gals    46.6 gals

        Aux                   0.0 in      0.0 gals

        Aircraft             85.3 in     1669.1 lbs.    2650 lbs.

        1400 lbs.    80.0 in/lbs.     93.0 in/lbs.

        1800 lbs.    80.0 in/lbs.     93.0 in/lbs.

        2300 lbs.    82.0 in/lbs.     93.0 in/lbs.

        2650 lbs.    87.5 in/lbs.     93.0 in/lbs.

In the above CG envelope, notice that the breaks in the curve are the only required entries. You can put as many points as desired up to the six maximum that the program allows. The program will extrapolate between points as necessary so that the only points required are where the fore and aft CG limits change for a particular weight.

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Copyright 2003-2021, Jim Covington
Based on the OpenFBO Booking System written by Matt Barclay
and the Meeting Room Booking System